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Introducing the wheel of the future!

The Achilles-heal of Electric Vehicle (“EV”) is its driving distance before a need for recharge which could also resolve by far higher cost for the bigger battery pack. The extra large wheel is an elegant option to extend drive distance without the need for extra large very costly batteries. Done right it could result with cool looking car with smother drive experience.
We took upon ourselves to prove the extended range and we need you to help us drive the idea farther for better greener world, join us for the Wheel of the future.

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1 minute
experiment timelapse

We took existing car and we drove rounds on the same roads once with standard wheel and once with ~30% larger (and heavier) wheels. We did so use ~eight 2” extender forming an odd-looking car. The video shows side by side composite images from the standard wheel (left) and the Big Wheel (right). At the top is the image of the road seen from the driver eyes upper image and the instruments lower image.  The instruments image shows the car panel with percent of battery charge used (left side) and smart phone as GPS (center) showing the mileage driven and above it the elapsed time it took.

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Full Experiment

Here is the full row videos of the road camera and the instruments camera for the full ~two hours of driving. It was about 20 rounds through these rectangular forming roads.

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